Process, Methods, Change Management consulting

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+33(0) 6 61 81 42 43
7 bis allée des Soupirs
31000 Toulouse - France

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Check out our latest certifications

Agile PM

Agile PM

Project Management method, focusing on customer’s need (adapted to changing requirements) and on time delivery. It helps providing quick return on invest in evolving environment thanks to intermediate deliverables.
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Behavior Analysis method, helping to understand how people behave, interact and react to each other. It helps improving a team or individual performance, adapting one’s type of communication to the person you interact with. This method is equivalent to the MBTI.
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Workplace Motivators. Method used to reveal people’s motivation factors in order to better understand each one’s priorities at work and in life. It helps reducing the turn-over, improving the employee’s satisfaction, reducing conflicts and improving cohesion.
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Six Sigma

Lean / DFSS Green Belt

A systematic approach which reduces waste in the value stream. It not only covers defective products, but all types of defective work. It identifies defects, overproduction, inventories (in process or finished goods), unnecessary processing, unnecessary movement of people, unnecessary transport of goods, waiting, and designing goods and services that don’t meet customer’s needs.
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SARL Unipersonnelle au capital de 1 500 EUR, RCS Toulouse B 798 908 521 - Siège social : 7 bis allée des Soupirs 31000 Toulouse.